Saturday, December 8, 2012

Get Back To It

Why am I so frustrated all the time.  Too many questions, no one to talk to, too much to do, bored, not doing things quickly enough, etc.  A myriad things just frustrate the snot out of me.  I keep wondering when I will get it all together.  Frustration seems to indicate a lack of contentment.  But I am content generally, I guess just not specifically.  Like my role in life, a housewife.  What kind of mundane junk is this?  Wipe the counters, sweep the floor, pull weed out and out and out and out.  Yell at the kids for not making their beds, for not wiping up the toothpaste that was just spit all over the counter, for beating each other up.  I should be content in all things.  My life is good, but the everyday bothers me, frustrates me.  Take a breath, I know.  Get back to it.