Monday, August 9, 2010

Writing Seriously

I started lecturing at Bible study.  (Public speaking ceased to scare the death out of me years ago, but that's another story.)  One of the pastors, a man I respect greatly and admire for his missionary and theological work, came to me and said I might want to consider "writing seriously."  So after I wrote the word "seriously" on a scrap piece of paper and handed it to him, we talked a while.  We've since talked many times, and sometimes I wonder if he stops in the office just to spend a few minutes telling me his stories, but I enjoy it.  His comment from that day continues to taunt me.  Do I really have anything worthwhile to say?  Does anyone care to hear it?  I have not the answer to either of those questions.  But another comment, from years ago continues to haunt me.  Is my destiny to be just a housewife?  And can I find satisfaction in that?  Again, no answer to either.  So here is my exploration of the two later questions.  Let's see where it will take me.